Audit & statutory audit
Tailor-made audit services
Depending on the client's needs, Baker Tilly Luxembourg offers its expertise in the fields of audit and commissariat aux comptes for commercial, industrial, financial, services and production companies, securitisation companies, investment funds (SIF, RAIF, SICAR) and non-profit organisations.
We are a member of the Institut des Réviseurs d'Entreprises du Luxembourg (IRE) and subject to the supervision of the Commission de Surveillance du Secteur Financier (CSSF) as well as a member of the Ordre des Experts Comptables (OEC).
We operate in accordance with International Standards on Auditing (ISAs) and follow working procedures of a high standard of quality.
- Mandate as fully licensed registered auditor (legal and contractual audits of the statutory financial statements)
- Legal and contractual audit of consolidated financial statements
- Mandate as independent and professional auditor in all types of audit assignments not requiring the intervention of an auditor (licensed registered or not) or the application of international standards on auditing (ISA)
- Engagement as "commissaire à la liquidation"
- Engagements reserved by law to the auditor (contributions in kind, company transformations, mergers, split of companies, interim dividend distributions)
- Certification of financial statements
- Valuation reports
- Due diligence
- Review of the training reports for INFPC
- Analysis of procedures and internal controls
- Advice and technical support in relation with accounting structures
- Mandate as independent director or member of audit committees
- Certificates of conformity
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